Queenie Singh’s party for daughter Tiara’s art debut saw Raveena Tandon came dressed in jeans and a black top. Farah Khan and Dino Morea were others from Bollywood who dropped by. Sixteen year-old Tiara was in the company of her mom, dad Raja Dhody, grandfather as well as friends from her school.
Amrita Arora-Ladak, Surily Goel, Mehr Rampal and Ramona Rodella hung around in a cosy group in a corner. Shobhaa De formed a hen party with Suchitra Pillai and Madhoo Shah while the rarely seen Priya Chatwal and Rahul Khanna also dropped by separately.
Proud mom Queenie who was busy welcoming dozens of her friends said happily, “If your friends won’t come in for you, then they will come in for your child.”
Getting comfortable: Raveena Tandon