Ayan Mukherji’s next Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani casts the ex-lovers Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor, but it’s going to be a fierce battle for the Desi Boyz gal. As there is going to be one more actor who is going to fight for Ranbir’s love in this triangular love story.
While the makers of the film are keeping mum on who would be cast in that role, we know it’s going to be a tough fight for Dippy to win back her lover in this romantic flick.
It seems whenever the dishy couple got paired up they had to go through their fair share of hiccups before the happily ever after. Remember, in their last film together Bachna Aae Haseeno, Ranboo’s character had to ask forgiveness from all the girls whose hearts he had broken, before Dippy accepts his love. Looks like this time around it’s Dippy’s turn to do all the crying and fighting for love!