So, to add something new and exciting to the upcoming Hindi movie, ‘Dhoom 3’, the producer of the movie, Aditya Chopra, has come up with a novel idea. He wants a new voice in ‘Dhoom 3’! This task has been assigned to Pritam Choudhary though the choice has already been made by Aditya. It is none other than the confident yet obliging actor of all times, Aamir Khan!
Aamir last sang a song in ‘Ghulam’ which became a huge hit and sent our whole nation crooning the song ‘Kya bolti tu’. That was thirteen years ago. There was not much of a tune to it but this time Aamir is expected to croon the theme song of the film! This may enable the croon-lovers to identify the previously partially displayed talent in their beloved hero who will play a villain in ‘Dhoom 3’.