When clashes happen between two majestic stars, there comes a 'Divide and rule policy.' The same did happen when there was a clash of elephantine starry egos between the Bollywood's two warring actors Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan. When a historic fight broke out between the two Khans at actress Katrina Kaif's birthday party, not only did the industry biggies, but also, the fans across the world, did take sides of their favourite Khans. While a few were staunch SRK supporters, a few blindly chanted Sallu's name. And, then guess what? This led to the tinselville's two most powerful camps: Shahrukh and Salman camps.
We all know that neither Shahrukh, nor Salman, does leave any stone unturned to pounce on each other, for every minor issue. The same goes with their fans, who could dare to kill the opposite party, for the smallest of reason. In a recent incident, when Salman Khan's upcoming film Ek Tha Tiger's dynamic trailer hit the internet, that fetched applauds and appreciations, the Sallu fans, as usual, did not leave the golden chance to slam the Shahrukh fans. And, to none's surprise, the King Khan's fans too did not hesitate at all to retaliate. Hitting back hard, the Shahrukh Khan fans made several comments against Salman Khan and his film Ek Tha Tiger:
Amor: Ek Tha Tiger was offered to Shahrukh first and he refused it, because he knows it would be a mindless movie.
Dipu: All the Salman Khan lovers please don't hate SRK because he is 100 times above than Sallu, who is a murderer.
SRK: Sharukh is the king. He lights up the stage. Shahrukh rules.
Amar: Salman can never never never match up to SRK at anything!!! He is immature, spiteful and has a lot of malice. Shahrukh is a class act and that is why he s loved by billions, I repeat billions all over the world!!! He is a Producer's dream and box office King!!!
Nisha: Shahrukh is any time better than Salman. Shahrukh rocks dude!
Vikas: Shahrukh rules Bollywood.
Arpita: How can one even compare SRK and Salman? Salman stands nowhere in front of Shahrukh. SRK is the Badshaah.
Rinkie: Ek Tha Tiger is a sure flop.
So guys, which of Khans, do you favour?
Posted by: Nabanita
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