The shooting of the bhojpuri movie Rakhela Shaan Bhojpuriya Jawaan was recently completed at the locations of Rajpipla, Gujarat. Made under the banner of Mithila Talkies, this movie has been directed by Raju, who was previously the assistant of Partho Ghosh. The movie stars Pawan Singh in central role while Pratibha Pandey stars opposite him. The movie also stars Manoj Tiger, Dilip Sinha, Gauri Shankar, Manish Chaturvedi, Sanjay Verma, Subodh Seth, Shilpi and Brajesh Tripathi. The movie also has item songs picturised on Alisha and Seema Singh. The music director is Pawan Singh, lyrics are by Vinay Bihari, Cinematography by S. Jahangir, Editing by Govind Dubey, Choreography by Sanjay KK and action director is Hira Yadav.
Source : Prashant Nishat
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