Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif are working on Yash Chora’s untitled film. The two are happy in each other’s company and reportedly Kat has found a friend in him to share her professional and personal life. Kat belongs to the new breed of actresses and helps SRK learn new things.
As per reports, SRK is happy working with Kat and feels her energy on the sets is outstanding. To a daily he said, “I do a few films every year, and when I work with young actors, I learn a lot as they have a different way of doing scenes. Katrina is a stupendous actor.
She approaches every scene differently, and as a co-star I have to adapt differently. That give and take has been absolutely fantastic.” Well, we hope Salman has no issue with this bonding and takes it in a good sprit.
By dailybhaskar
As per reports, SRK is happy working with Kat and feels her energy on the sets is outstanding. To a daily he said, “I do a few films every year, and when I work with young actors, I learn a lot as they have a different way of doing scenes. Katrina is a stupendous actor.
She approaches every scene differently, and as a co-star I have to adapt differently. That give and take has been absolutely fantastic.” Well, we hope Salman has no issue with this bonding and takes it in a good sprit.
By dailybhaskar