Not surprisingly, Vidya has found another fan in the film industry, director Ken Ghosh. Expressing his thoughts on the actor and sounding reasonably optimistic, Ken recently wrote on his microblogging site, "Has recently told Vidya Balan that she will need another room for her awards soon."
Well, we surely don't that this observation. If film trailers are anything to go by, then Vidya has given a smashing performance in Sujoy Ghosh's forthcoming movie "Kahaani" where the actor portays a pregnant woman in search of her husband. Way to go Vidya!
Well, we surely don't that this observation. If film trailers are anything to go by, then Vidya has given a smashing performance in Sujoy Ghosh's forthcoming movie "Kahaani" where the actor portays a pregnant woman in search of her husband. Way to go Vidya!