TV actress Sara Khan. Announcing his love for Sara Khan, KRK posted on a microblogging site, "It's official that yesterday I have broken up with my Moroccan girlfriend Sabah but today I m already in love with Sara khan TV actress."
His 'routine' kiss, that he sent to actress Asin every morning as soon as he came online, also changed and now went to Sara. "Good morning and kiss to Sara Khan," he wrote this morning. Before Sara Khan (who was an inmate of "Big Boss 4"), KRK had declared his love for adult star Sunny Leone (who was an inmate this season of "Big Boss"). He even went to the extent of saying that he wants to marry Sunny as she is a perfect example of beauty and courage.
KRK had also said that he wants Sunny to act in his film. And no prizes for guessing who would be the male lead in this flick (if at all it is made). Yes, it's got to be KRK himself. Coming back to Sara Khan, is she listening? Sara herself got infamously famous by tying the knot with boyfriend Ali Merchant in the "Big Boss" house and then breaking the marriage as soon as she got out of the house. She may be single, but is she really interested in KRK?