Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were spotted locking lips during a trip to Disneyland on Monday night. Radar Online has the image of the young couple kissing inside the Anaheim, Calif. park.
The duo was seen inside a Jamba Juice — not exactly the most romantic spot in the park, but when you’re having ‘2 much fun‘ like these two are, the venue probably doesn’t matter when you feel like expressing your love. Wearing similar outfits — knit hats, hoodie sweatshirts and skinny jeans — they were photographed by someone outside the restaurant as they stood in line waiting to order.
If Radar is correct that Bieber was at Disneyland on Monday, he must have taken the trip during a break from recording his upcoming album ‘Believe.’ According to Bieber’s Twitter, he has spent time in the recording studio during each of the past three days, including Monday.