Bodyguard smashed many records, netting Rs 21.50 crore across India on its opening day, streaking way ahead of Ready (Rs 12.50 crore), 3 Idiots (2009, Rs 14 crore) and even Salman Khan’s last Eid blockbuster, Dabbang (2010, Rs 14.50 crore). As of Tuesday, the movie had netted Rs 128 crore across India, with a worldwide gross of Rs 215 crore.
And its lead actor, Kareena Kapoor is thrilled. “I spoke to Salman in the US post his surgery. We congratulated each other on our huge success and he asked me how it felt to feature in the No 1 and No 2 films of the year. I wondered which was which and he said we’d chat about it once he got back,” chuckles the actor, who after 3 Idiots and Golmaal 3, is being touted as the Rs 100 crore heroine.
Kareena admits that after they picturised the romantic, Teri Meri Prem Kahani, she was confident that the film would be a monstrous hit. “But I wasn’t expecting my movies to be competing with each other in terms of box-office collections. It’s something I’ve dreamt of for years, worked hard towards, and today, have no time to enjoy because I’m so busy.”
The actor is now eyeing a bumper Diwali with Shah Rukh Khan’s RA.One. “If Bodyguard made Rs 100 crore, then RA.One will make Rs 200 crore,” asserts Kareena, who plays a sweet and simple Punjabi wife and mother.
She adds, “Shah Rukh has done something spectacular.” The film’s music released on Monday with a live concert and she’s overwhelmed by the craze Chamak Challo has generated. “Everyone was waiting to see the full track. My fans like me in a sari, so do I. And now that the Size zero chapter is out of my life forever, I have the curves to carry off the desi girl look to perfection.” Kareena is equally enthused about another song, O Dildara…: “It’s a typical love song and I’m romancing Shah Rukh Khan. Wow!”
Source: Hindustan Times