Don't be surprised if you land on a set to see Salman Khan covered in prickly needles all over. We are told that the beefy actor has taken to this art of healing and uses acupuncture to ward off any pain in his body. Rather than using anti-biotics and traditional methods of treatment, Salman finds better results with acupuncture. Recently a source spotted the actor with needles pierced on his entire face on the sets of an up coming film.
Those close to the actor are aware that he fully trusts his doctor who visits any film set that he's shooting. The source says, "Salman is averse to using pills and tablets. He was recently in huge pain but despite that he shot continuously for Bodyguard and also the new season of Bigg Boss. Ever since the use of acupuncture he has found his pain to subside."
Salman is looking the best he has in years and he's in great shape. He's not only cut down on his intake of cigarettes but also alcohol. He feels that his audience has huge expectations from him which he should meet.