Bhojpuri film actor Viraj Bhatt will be seen in some very difficult stunt scenes in the upcoming movie “Hot Baa Jawani Jiyaan Raja Ji”. Made under the banner of Seven Star Entertainment and directed by Arvind Chaubey, this film will feature hi voltage stunt scenes performed by Viraj Bhatt in his quest to save her love interest Ruby Singh.
The movie stars Viraj Bhatt, Chhotu Chhaliya, Ruby Singh, Shyamli Srivastava, Gopal Rai, Satya Pandey, Alok Yadav, Payal, Vinod Mishra, Jay Singh, Sanjay Pandey and Jaswant Kumar. Famous singer Shani Kumar Shaniya will also start his career with this movie. The story is written by Manoj K Kushwaha, music is composed by Luvly Sharma, Lyrics by Pyare Lal Yadav, RR Pankaj and Manoj Matlabi, Cinematography by Javed, Action by Shakil Sheikh and arts by Anjani Tiwari.
Source: Ranjan Sinha