Vishal Bharadwaj has cast Shahrukh Khan in his next film and guess who is the lucky girl to romance King Khan in Vishal’s film, no its not Kareena, Deepika, Priyanka, Vidya or Kajol but a south Indian hottie. Yes, it is right Shahrukh Khan will be paired with a South actress in Vishal’s film. The script demands the actress to speak Tamil and so the director has decided to cast a south sensation.
The audition will be held very soon and the South Indian beauties are keeping their fingers crossed to get a chance to share screen space with the King of Romance, Shahrukh Khan.
The actor will soon start shooting Yash Chopra's rom-com which stars Katrina Kaif in the lead. Next, he will shoot Sajid Nadiadwala’s film.