Bhojpuri film star Ravi Kissen has now turned into a film producer and has started his production house Ravi Kissen Production house with two bhojpuri films. The shooting of his first movie will start from this month. This movie has been titled “Kaisan Piyava Ke Charittar Ba” and the other one has been titled “Shooter Shukla”. Famous bhojpuri film writer Santosh Mishra will now try his hands on direction with “Kaisan Piyava Ke Charittar Ba”. Santosh started off his career with Ravi Kissen starrer “Preet Naa Jaane Reet” and now he will also start his direction career with Ravi Kissen home production. The songs of the movie have already been composed by Madhukar Anand and the casting of the actors is in process. Ravi Kissen will play the main lead in the movie.
Ravi Kissen’s second venture “Shooter Shukla” will be directed by the national award winner Anand D Gahatraj. The music will be given by Raj Sen while the writer is Santosh Mishra. According to Ravi Kissen, his production will be regularly producing movies from now on. When asked about his busy schedule and how will he manage this new responsibility, he said that the movies he is doing presently have their fixed schedules so it will not affect his responsibility as the producer.