Feb 16, Mumbai: The former Bollywood Diva, Juhi Chawla and her husband Jai Mehata are gracious hosts. They threw a lavish party on 15th January 2011. The venue was their home in Veer Bhavan building, in the Malabar Hill locality. Electronic gadgets worth one and half lakh rupees were stolen from the party. The items belonged to an American guest, named Chuli. The stolen items included a BlackBerry mobile phone, a laptop and an ipod. As soon as the incident of the theft came to light, a complaint of theft was registered with the Malabar police station.
The police have suspected the domestic helps hired on contract basis to be responsible for the incident. However, identifying the thief from a handful of people was a tough task.
The break through came when the police started interrogating the contractor, Chitrajan. This person informed the police that a 28 year man by the name of Sandeep Anant Bhalerao was hired as house keeper. Chitrajan also told the police that, Sandeep went to the room of Chuli for cleaning, during the party. On interrogation, Sandeep confessed about the stealing. He stole the gadgets to pay his debts. The Malabar police have done a good job of solving the mystery.