Feb 19, Mumbai: Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Rani Mukherjee who were earlier close friends, have once again retrieved the once lost warm and friendly association. All was well between them, till Rani’s “Dil bole hadippa” was released. The exceptionally talented director, Bhansali did not quite like the flick and texted in a bitter manner to Rani about the title of the film. Rani who is too enamoured of the YRF camp, lost her temper and replied back insolently. This marked the end of Bhansali-Rani’s friendship, episode 1.
Choreographer Vaibahvi Merchant, who is a common friend of both of them, tried several times to normalize everything between the two buddies but failed. Recently, Bhansali himself, came out of the blue, and took the initiative to revive their bond. Not only personally but also professionally, they are thinking of bonding again.
Both of them, had worked together in the sublime film “Black” and also in “Saawaariya”. Black which was a tribute to the famous blind and deaf laureate, Hellen Keller, was not a huge commercial success. But the movie went on to win acclamations from all over the world, for being a beautiful piece of art. Soon, we may be fortunate enough to experience a new film, carving a niche of its own, in the history of Bollywood and enabling us to tour the vast unexplored land of Bollywood as the two pals are together again.